Saturday, March 3, 2018

Week 8

Elder Holland's story about how he was moving his family many miles and had to walk the 35 miles back to town for help really struck me. He broke down in the same spot twice but that didn't stop him. As hard as it was to keep going even through the discouragement, he kept walking and going. He didn't give up. Life can be really difficult, especially if you choose to be an entrepreneur. If we learn now to not give up with less difficult circumstances and trials, then it will be easier to persevere when the large ones come along. We will have already cultivated a habit of perseverance.

It's tempting to give up sometimes. I believe that we only ever truly fail when we give up. A few years ago, I lost half of the work I'd done on a novel. I'd already been working on it for a long time at that point and I was half way through a revision when I lost all of that work. It has been extremely difficult to start working on it again, but I've never given up on it. Perseverance is rewarded and I hope, someday, I will see the reward for my perseverance with that project.

I was reading through Mastery last week and it really struck me that I want to master a skill of some kind. I'm not sure what and I still don't know if I want to be an entrepreneur. However, I do know that the qualities that I am learning about in this class have the ability to help me in whatever I choose to do, and I'm looking forward to learning more about those qualities.

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