Saturday, March 31, 2018

Week 12

A lot of this week's content focused on the fact that having a business isn't about making money. Yes, you need money to live but it shouldn't be the focus on your business. You should be keeping your eye on how your business can help others. What can your business do that no other business can to help people? I find this question really inspiring. It's the biggest reason why I'm interested in entrepreneurship. I want to be able to not only live a comfortable life, but to also help people who are unable to fully help themselves, who need that extra hand. If you keep your eye set on that goal, then you can find true success.

In order for an economy to truly function and to function well, its members must be virtuous and have integrity. All of an economy's rules and laws depend on trust and truth. If the members of an economy don't possess those qualities, the economy will eventually collapse. Charles Handy states that the "real justification" for businesses is to use that created wealth to do something more or better than they already are. Two of the solutions he poses are for businesses to value their employees' talents and they need to be more responsible and basically pledge to do no harm. I do agree with both of those things. Employees create a company's culture and if they don't feel valued, they do not put in their best effort. It makes it harder for a business to do no harm when its employees don't care about how their work impacts others and the world around them. Fix the employees' attitudes, and you can then have a company that truly works to do no harm first and that works to truly help others. This isn't just the responsibility of a company though, this is everyone's responsibility as people living on this earth. It should always be, first do no harm.

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